Safety on Board

Do the crew receive fire training?

Crew members are extensively trained to ensure that they react effectively and appropriately in case of fire or smoke. In line with the Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping (STCW) 1995, all crew must take Basic Safety Training (BST) – which includes basic firefighting. A fire drill is also carried out on board each MSC [...]

By |2021-05-30T09:19:38+04:00May 30th, 2021||Comments Off on Do the crew receive fire training?

What systems are in place to control fires on board if they do break out?

The MSC Cruises’ fleet uses several different systems to control the spread of fire and smoke including fire-rated interior doors and partitions, fire dampers and ventilation systems. The main fire fighting system is the Hi-Fog, high-pressure water mist fire protection system, which suppresses and extinguishes fires by discharging a fine water mist at high velocity. [...]

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What measures are in place to prevent fires on board MSC cruises’ ships?

MSC ships have been designed to allow the isolation of fire and smoke and the MSC Cruises’ fleet, like all cruise ships complying with industry standards, are equipped with a variety of passive fire-and smoke-fighting measures, including fire-rated interior doors and partitions, fire dampers and ventilation systems. Ships include smoke management systems with fire and [...]

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What are the industry regulations on fire safety on board or cruise ships?

The cruise industry adheres to the rigid regulations contained in the International Convention for the Safety Of Life at Sea (SOLAS) as developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). These regulations include fire prevention, fire protection and extinguishing systems, crew training and fire emergency response.

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How is our crew trained to operate the life boats?

The crew receive regular training ashore, before embarkation and on board. The comprehensive on-board training coordinated by the ship’s Safety Officer consists of 4 two-hour modules, as follows: A. Preliminary B. Emergency instructions C. Fire-fighting D. Life-saving A significant part of Section D is dedicated to management of the lifeboats. All crew members directly in [...]

By |2021-05-30T09:16:28+04:00May 30th, 2021||Comments Off on How is our crew trained to operate the life boats?

What other enhancements does the line use to ensure safety, i.e. maps showing routes to the nearest lifeboats, etc.?

Maps on the location of the different muster stations are displayed in all public areas and staircases etc. All public areas also feature arrows showing the way to the muster stations and indicating the staircases to reach them. In addition, a safety video (in Italian and English) is broadcast 24/7 on the in-cabin television system [...]

By |2021-05-30T09:15:52+04:00May 30th, 2021||Comments Off on What other enhancements does the line use to ensure safety, i.e. maps showing routes to the nearest lifeboats, etc.?

Are there any maps or other instructions?

Safety instructions on how to reach the relevant muster station and where to find the respective life jackets are available in all cabins, in 6 languages (ITA, ENG, GER, FRA, SPA, PORT, RUS), in the cabin information booklet and behind the cabin door (in 6 languages), where fire instructions and a map are also displayed, [...]

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When and where are the drills held?

Upon embarkation in the main ports, all guests are requested to participate in a one-hour safety drill conducted in the 6 languages. The Safety drills involve the entire crew and simulate the evacuation procedure, with guests requested to take their respective life jackets from their cabins and go to the assigned Muster Station where they [...]

By |2021-05-30T09:15:11+04:00May 30th, 2021||Comments Off on When and where are the drills held?
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