3. Privacy and Personal Data processing

The safety measures adopted by the Company for the purposes of preventing COVID-19 infections require the processing of some personal data considered to be under the “special categories of data” as per Art. 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”). Wherever possible, guests’ consent is collected in accordance with the provisions of Art. [...]

By |2022-02-08T13:51:43+04:00February 8th, 2022||Comments Off on 3. Privacy and Personal Data processing

2. Insurance

Each Passenger is required to have in place an insurance policy covering, from the time the Holiday Package has been confirmed to the end of the Holiday Package, Covid 19 related risks such as cancellation, interruption, repatriation expenses, quarantine, medical assistance and related expenses, as well as hospitalization. Passengers will be asked, at embarkation, to [...]

By |2022-02-08T13:50:12+04:00February 8th, 2022||Comments Off on 2. Insurance

1. Safety Measures adopted by the company

With the aim to guarantee Passenger’s health and safety during the cruise, the Company developed a set of procedures to be followed during the entire cruise, starting from the booking process until the final disembarkation from the ship (also below referred to as the “ MSC Cruises’ Health & Safety Protocol”). For safety reasons, the [...]

By |2022-02-08T13:48:44+04:00February 8th, 2022||Comments Off on 1. Safety Measures adopted by the company
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