Conditions of carriage

18. Travel Packages and Shore Excursions

Hotel accommodation and all transport (other than The Carrier's Cruise Ship) included in Package Tours or Shore Excursions, are operated by independent contractors even if sold by Agents or Organisers on board the Cruise Ship. "Package" shall have the same meaning as contained in the European Union and Council directive of 13 June 1990 on [...]

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17. Other Independent Contractors

The Cruise Ship carries on board service providers who operate as independent contractors. Their services and products are charged as extras. The Carrier is not responsible for their performance or products. These contractors may include, hairdresser, manicurist, masseuse, photographer, entertainer, fitness instructors, shopkeepers and others providing services. The limitations referred to in clauses 22 and [...]

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16. Medical Treatment

- 16.1 It is the Passenger’s obligation and responsibility to seek medical assistance from the qualified doctor onboard the Vessel as and when necessary during the cruise. - 16.2 The cruise ship’s doctor is not a specialist and the ship’s medical centre is not required to be and is not equipped to the same standards [...]

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15. Medical Services by Independant Contractors

- 15.1 Medical services are available on board the Cruise Ship as a convenience to the Passenger. The Cruise Ship's doctor and medical personnel are independent contractors and are entitled to charge Passengers for hospitalisation, any medical services and medicines provided. The Cruise Ship's doctor and medical personnel are not under the Master's control for [...]

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14. Minors

- 14.1 All the provisions of clause 10 and the requirement of fitness to travel is applicable to all passengers including Minors. - 14.2 The Carrier does not accept unaccompanied Minors. Minors will not be allowed to embark unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian or any other authorized person. Adult Passengers travelling [...]

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13. Alcohol

- 13.1 The Carrier and/or its servants and/or agents may confiscate alcohol brought onboard by Passengers. - 13.2 The Carrier and/or its servants and/or agents may refuse to serve a Passenger alcohol or further alcohol where in their reasonable opinion the Passenger is likely to be a danger and/or nuisance to himself/herself, other passengers and/or [...]

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12. Animals and Pets

- 12.1 Animals and/or pets other than recognised assistance dogs are not allowed onboard the Vessel under any circumstances without the Carrier’s permission in writing. Any such animals or pets brought onboard by the Passenger without permission will be taken into custody and arrangements will be made for the animal to be landed at the [...]

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11. Passenger’s Conduct

- 11.1 The safety of the Vessel and all those onboard is of paramount consideration. Passengers must pay attention to and comply with all regulations and notices relating to the safety of the Vessel, her crew and passengers, the terminal facilities and immigration requirements - 11.2 Passengers must at all times conduct themselves in a [...]

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10. Fitness to Travel

- 10 1 In order to ensure that the Carrier is able to carry passengers safely and in accordance with applicable safety requirements established by international, EU or national law or in order to meet safety requirements established by competent authorities, including flag state, the Passenger warrants that he/she is fit to travel by sea [...]

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9. Security

- 9.1 The Passenger shall present him/herself for boarding, according to the instructions provided, before scheduled departure to complete any pre-boarding procedures and security inspections. - 9.2 For security reasons, the Passenger agrees that agents of the Carrier may search the Passenger, his/her luggage, and any accompanying property. - 9.3 The Carrier shall have the [...]

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