Informing us on any mobility, medical and dietary requirements

Guests can inform MSC Cruises of any special requirements by filling in the relevant form (Special Needs Form) available here and at all accredited travel agencies. This information should preferably be provided at the time of booking, or, at the very latest, no fewer than two working days before departure.

This allows us time to provide the best possible service for our guests, which depends on the facilities and resources on board each ship. If we are notified after this deadline we will do everything in our power to provide the services requested, but this may not be possible at such short notice.

Download Form

  • Booking by travel agent: the documentation should be sent directly to your travel agent
  • Booking through our website: the documentation should be sent to the following address: Guests will only be prevented from booking or embarking in exceptional circumstances, and only in the event of a serious or urgent threat to the safety of the guests or the crew.All personal data provided by guests will be treated in a manner that fully conforms to our privacy policy.For further information on the services offered on board, on how to inform us of any special needs or other requirements not expressly mentioned in this section, please get in touch with your travel agent.