9.1 Passengers are reminded that some foods may cause an allergic reaction in certain people due to intolerance of some ingredients. If the Passenger has any known allergies, or is intolerant to any food, he/she is required to inform the Company at the time of Booking (by duly filling in a specific form) and further to report it to the Maître d’hôtel as soon as convenient after boarding the ship.

9.2 It is the responsibility of the Passenger to ensure that he/she actively avoids any food he/ she is allergic to. The Company will take all reasonable care if made aware in writing of any specific food or ingredient the Passenger has an allergic reaction to and assist the Passenger within reason to avoid any such food or ingredients if made aware by the Passenger according to clause 9.1 above; in absence of such information neither the Company, nor the Carrier will be held responsible for preparing special meals for the Passenger or any other prepared meals consumed by the Passenger. In case of multiple allergies/intolerances, even though informed according hereto, the Company or the Carrier might not be able to avoid the risk of cross-contamination during food preparation and therefore neither the Company, nor the Carrier will be held responsible if such contamination occurs.