– 8.1
The Passenger is the sole responsible for and shall comply with any governmental travel requirements, laws or regulations for all ports of call on the Cruise Ship’s itinerary. All Passengers must present for inspection the ticket and Contract, a valid passport and any visa, entry or exit permit, required by any port on the Cruise Ship’s itinerary.

– 8.2
The Passenger (or, if a Minor, his/her parents or guardian) shall be liable to the Carrier for any fines or penalties imposed on the Vessel or Carrier by any authorities for the Passenger’s failure to observe or comply with local governmental laws or regulations, including requirements relating to immigration, customs or excise.

– 8.3
The Carrier reserves the right to check and record details of such documentation. The Carrier makes no representation and gives no warranties as to the correctness of any documentation, which is checked. Passengers are strongly advised to check for all legal requirements for travelling abroad and at the various ports to include the requirement of visas, immigration, customs and health.