7.1  The Company’s and the Carriers’ priority is always the comfort and safety of its Passengers and in order to achieve this the Passenger is asked at the time of Booking to provide as much detail as possible of the matters given below so that the Company and Carrier can consider its obligation to carry the Passenger in a safe or operationally feasible manner, taking into account any issues relating to the design of the passenger ship or port infrastructure and equipment including port terminals which may make it impossible to carry out the embarkation, disembarkation or carriage of the Passenger which may have an impact on the Passengers safety and comfort.  

7.2  The Passenger is asked to provide full details at the time of Booking if the Passenger:

  1. Is unwell, infirm, Disabled or has Reduced Mobility;
  2. If the Passenger requires a special Disabled cabin, since there is a limited number of these available and since the Company would like to, wherever possible, accommodate the Passenger so that the Passenger is comfortable and safe for the duration of the Cruise;
  3. If the Passenger has any special seating requirements; 
  4. If the Passenger needs to bring any medical equipment on board;
  5. If the Passenger needs to bring a recognised assistance dog on board the vessel (please note that assistance dogs are subject to national regulations).

7.3 Where the Company and/or the Carrier consider strictly necessary for the safety and comfort of the Passenger and in order for the Passenger to fully enjoy the Cruise, it may require a Disabled Passenger or Passenger with Reduced Mobility to be accompanied by another person who is capable of providing the assistance required by the Disabled Passenger or Passenger with Reduced Mobility. This requirement will be based entirely on the Company and/or the Carrier assessing the need of the Passenger on grounds of safety and may vary from vessel to vessel and/or itinerary to itinerary. Passengers  confined to a wheelchair are asked to kindly furnish their own standard size collapsible wheelchair during the whole Holiday Package and might also be requested to be accompanied by a travelling Passenger fit and able to assist them. 

7.4 If the Passenger has any particular conditions, Disability or Reduced Mobility which require personal care or supervision then such personal care or supervision must be organized by the Passenger and at the Passenger’s expense. The vessel is unable to provide respite services, one-to-one personal care or supervision or any other form of care for physical or psychiatric or other conditions.

7.5 If after careful assessing the Passenger’s specific needs and requirements, the Company and/or the Carrier concludes that the Passenger cannot be carried safely and in accordance with applicable safety requirements then the Company can refuse to accept a Booking or embarkation of a Disabled Passenger or Passenger with Reduced Mobility on the grounds of safety.

7.6 The Company reserves the right to refuse to carry any Passenger who has failed to adequately notify the Company of any disabilities or needs for assistance in order for the Company and/or the Carrier to make an informed assessment that the Passenger can be carried in a safe or operationally feasible manner on the grounds of safety. If the Passenger does not agree with a decision of the Company under clauses 7.5 to 7.6 of these Booking Terms & Conditions then the Passenger must provide a complaint in writing with all supporting evidence to the Company.  

7.7 The Company reserves the right to refuse to carry any Passenger who in the opinion of the Company and/or the Carrier is unfit for travel or whose condition may constitute a danger to themselves or others on the Cruise on the grounds of safety.  

7.8 For the safety and comfort of the Passenger, if the Passenger becomes aware between the date of Booking the Holiday Package and the date of commencement of the Holiday Package that he/she will require special care or assistance as detailed above, the Passenger is asked to inform the Company immediately so that the Company and the Carrier can make an informed assessment whether or not the Passenger can be carried in a safe or operationally feasible manner. 

7.9 Disabled Passengers or Passengers with Reduced Mobility may not be able to go ashore at ports where vessels do not berth alongside. A list of these ports is available upon written request. 

7.10 In some ports, it is necessary to anchor offshore rather than alongside. When this is the case, the Carrier will use a tender to take Passengers ashore. A tender is a small vessel and may not be suitable for persons with Disabilities or Reduced Mobility or balance problems. When using tenders, safety is the utmost priority. It is important that Passengers are able to use the tender safely. Passengers may be required to descend to a platform or pontoon and into the tender. There may be steps both up and down and Passengers may need to navigate a gap between the platform and the tender (which can be approximately 1.5ft).  Depending on weather, tide and sea conditions, there may be some movement, which could change throughout the course of the day. Passengers must be fit and mobile enough to access and disembark the tender. If Passengers have impaired mobility, or use a mobility aid such as a stick, then they must carefully consider their ability to embark the tender safely before making their way down to the platform. Passengers must take into consideration the use of steps, the possibility of a gap and height difference between the platform and the tender, and the potential sudden movement of the tender when making a decision. Wheelchairs and mobility scooters, will not be carried by the crew into the tender. All Passengers must be independently mobile enough to use the tenders. Ultimately, carriage by tender may be refused by the master or any of his officers if there is any doubt as to the safety of any Passenger.

All Passengers must take extra care when stepping on and off the tender. There will be crew members there to guide and steady Passengers as they embark and disembark but they cannot support, lift or carry Passengers. The same precautions apply when Passengers disembark the tender in the port.