– 6.1
The Cruise Ship’s operation is subject to weather conditions, mechanical problems, vessel traffic, government intervention, duty to assist other vessels in distress, availability of berth facilities, and other factors which may be beyond the Carrier’s control.

– 6.2
The Carrier does not guarantee that the Cruise Ship will call at every advertised port or follow any particular route or time schedule. The Master and the Carrier shall have an absolute right to change or substitute the advertised schedule, ports, itinerary or route, or substitute other ships, without notice. If a scheduled port of embarkation or disembarkation is substituted, the Carrier shall determine and arrange transportation to or from the substituted port at no extra expense for the Passenger.

– 6.3|
Before the Voyage begins, the Carrier has the right to cancel the Voyage for any reason even without prior notice if it considers that it is necessary to do so for the safety of the Vessel, or persons onboard.

– 6.4
The Carrier or the Master shall have the liberty to comply with any Order or Directions as to departure/arrival routes, ports of call, stoppages, trans-shipment, discharge or destination or otherwise given by any government or any department or by any person acting or purporting to act with the authority of any government or any department thereof or by any war risks insurance association working under any government scheme in which the Vessel may be entered. Nothing done or not done under such orders or directions shall be deemed a deviation in law.

– 6.5
Any dates and/or times specified in any timetables or otherwise, which may be issued by the Organiser and/or the Carrier, are only approximate and may be altered by the Carrier at any time and to such extent as is considered necessary in the interest of the voyage as a whole.

– 6.6
If the Vessel shall be prevented or hindered by any cause whatsoever from sailing or proceeding in the ordinary course, the Carrier shall be entitled to transfer the Passenger either to any other similar Vessel or with the consent of the Passenger to any other means of transportation bound for the Passenger’s place of destination.