– 19.1
Guests are encouraged to limit their checked luggage to two suitcases and two pieces of hand luggage per person.
During the positioning cruises, the above guidelines represent the maximum limit allowed per person, provided that, in any case, the maximum amount of luggage in each cabin does not exceed 100 kg and/or 8 pieces among all passengers in the same cabin.
Prams and wheelchairs are always allowed.
All luggage is to be kept in the cabin, keeping all exits free of any obstacles.

– 19.2
Passenger’s luggage and property shall include only personal belongings, and any commercial property shall be subject to an additional charge.

– 19.3
The Carrier shall not be responsible for any fragile or perishable property carried by the Passenger.

– 19.4
No animals or birds are permitted on board, except for recognised assistance dogs licensed to Disabled Passengers or PRM, according to clause 12.3. The Passenger shall have full responsibility for such dogs.

– 19.5
Passengers with their own wheelchairs must check that suitable accommodations are available at the time of booking, and a written addendum is signed by the Passenger and Company and is added to the Ticket and Contract. If medical- mobility- or other equipment is required this must be notified at the time of booking or within a reasonable time prior to the Cruise to enable the Carrier to assess whether such equipment can be carried safely. It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure that such equipment is in good working order and that the passenger can operate such equipment.

– 19.6
All luggage must be securely packed and distinctly labelled. The Carrier shall not be liable for loss, damage or delay in delivery of any luggage, if luggage is not sufficiently labelled.

– 19.7
The Carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage to Passenger’s luggage or property while in the custody or control of stevedores or other independent shore side contractors.

– 19.8
All luggage must be claimed upon arrival of the Cruise Ship at final port or it will be stored at Passenger risk and expense.

– 19.9
The Passenger shall not be liable to pay or receive any general average contribution in respect of baggage or personal effects or property.

– 19.10
The Carrier shall have a lien upon and the right to sell by auction or otherwise, without notice to the Passenger, any luggage or other property belonging to any Passenger in satisfaction of unpaid monies or of any other monies which may in any way have become due by the Passenger to the Carrier or to its servants, agents or representatives.