18.1 The Passenger has a duty to follow the instructions and orders of the master and Officers while onboard. The Passenger hereby accepts and agrees that the master and officers are entitled and have authority to inspect any person on board, any cabin, baggage and belonging for safety, security or other lawful reasons.  

18.2 The Passenger hereby expressly agrees to allow any such search. 

18.3 Passengers must have received all necessary medical inoculations prior to the Cruise and have in their possession all tickets, valid passports, visas, medical cards and any other documents necessary for the scheduled ports of call and disembarkation. 

18.4 Each Passenger warrants that he/she is physically and mentally fit to undertake the Cruise. 

18.5 The Carrier and/or the master have the right of refusing the boarding or order the disembarkation of any Passenger should they deem it necessary, for the safety, security, of the Passenger, of the other Passengers or of the ship or should the Passenger’s conduct which, in the reasonable opinion of the master, is likely to endanger or impair the comfort and enjoyment of other Passengers onboard. 

18.6 No Passenger shall bring any animals whatsoever, except for recognized service dogs, subject to clause 7 above. 

18.6 the Company and/or the Carrier will be under no liability whatsoever to any Passenger in respect of any breach or non-observance by any Passenger of the provisions of this clause and any Passenger shall indemnify the Carrier and the Company against any loss or damage occasioned to the Carrier or the Company or any of its suppliers by such breach or non-observance. 

18.7 Passenger’s behavior must not affect and reduce the safety, peace and enjoyment of the Cruise by other Passengers.  

18.8 It is strictly forbidden for Passengers to carry firearms, ammunition, explosives or flammable, toxic or dangerous substances, goods or articles on-board any Vessels which could be dangerous for the safety of Passengers and the Vessels.  

18.9   Passengers shall be liable for any damage suffered by the Company and/or the Carrier and/or any supplier of any service that forms part of the Holiday Package as a result of the Passenger’s failure to comply with his contractual obligations. In particular, the Passenger shall be liable for all damages caused to the vessel or its furnishings and equipment, for injury or loss to other Passengers and third parties, and also for all penalties, fines and expenses attributable by the Passenger that the Company, Carrier or supplier may be liable to pay.  

18.10   Passengers are not allowed to sell and/or purchase from other passengers or travel operators on board the ship any type of commercial services – including but not limited to shore excursions – which are not official offered by the Company or its agreed independent contractors.