– 15.1
Medical services are available on board the Cruise Ship as a convenience to the Passenger. The Cruise Ship’s doctor and medical personnel are independent contractors and are entitled to charge Passengers for hospitalisation, any medical services and medicines provided. The Cruise Ship’s doctor and medical personnel are not under the Master’s control for treating Passengers, and the Carrier shall not be liable in any way for medical services or medicines provided or not provided.

– 15.2
Medical facilities onboard and in the various ports of call may be limited. The Carrier shall not be liable in any way for referring guests ashore for medical services or for the actual medical services rendered ashore. In the event that medical attendance of any kind or ambulance assistance, whether on shore, at sea or by air is required and is provided or ordered by the Carrier or the Master or the doctor, the Passenger concerned shall be liable for the full charge or cost thereof and shall indemnify the Carrier upon first demand of any costs incurred by the Carrier, its servants or agents.