14.1 Arrangements for the Cruise are made many months in advance by the Company. Very occasionally it may be necessary to alter them; therefore, the Company expressly reserves the right to change the arrangements for the Cruise or the Holiday Package, should such changes become necessary or advisable for operational, commercial or safety reasons. 

14.2 In the event of a significant alteration to an essential term of the Contract, the Company will inform the Passenger or his/her Sales Agent of such change in writing as soon as reasonably possible. 

The Passenger will be offered the choice of:

a) Accepting the alteration; or
b) Booking another Holiday Package from the Company’s brochure and/or from the Official Website of equivalent or superior quality, if available; or
c) Booking another Holiday Package from the Company’s brochure and/or from the Official Website of lower quality, if available, with a refund of the difference in price; or
d) Cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid.

14.3 The notification of alteration will specify a reasonable response period by which the Passenger must notify the Company of their decision. The notification will further specify that if the Passenger fails to respond within the imparted time, the alterations will be considered to be accepted.

14.4 Once a Cruise or Holiday Package has been completed, and it is impossible to ensure the Passenger’s return to their departure point as agreed in the Contract because of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, the Company shall bear the cost of necessary accommodation, if possible, of equivalent category, for a period not exceeding three nights per traveller. Where longer periods are provided for in EU passenger rights legislation applicable to the relevant means of transport for the traveller’s return, those periods shall apply.

14.5 The Company has the right to assign another cabin for the Passenger, as long as it has similar characteristics. If there is a change in accommodation to a lower-priced cabin, the Passengers affected by such change will be entitled to a refund of the price difference, according to the current rates.