12.1 The Passenger is entitled to replace himself with a third party, provided that: 

  1. said third party satisfies all the conditions for the use of the Holiday Package; and  
  2. written notice is duly sent to the Company no later than 15 days before departure of the Cruise. 

If the conditions stated above in this clause are met, the name change will in any case be subject to a fee reflecting the costs for the Company of effectuating the transfer, see clause 12.3 below. Name changes requested within 15 days of the departure will be considered as cancellation.  

The Passenger and the third-party contract assignee shall be jointly liable to the Company to pay the price of the  Holiday Package and any additional cost that may arise as a consequence of the change in Passenger. 

12.2 Furthermore, even after the confirmation invoice has been issued, the Passenger is also entitled to exchange , once only, the purchased Holiday Package (“Original  Holiday Package”) with another  Holiday Package (“New Holiday Package”) on the following conditions: 

  1. the date of departure of the New Holiday Package is later than that of the Original  Holiday Package;
  2. the request for the substitution of the New Holiday Package in place of the Original Holiday Package is received by the Company not later than thirty days before the date of the scheduled departure of the Original Holiday Package and there is availability of spaces on the New  Holiday Package;
  3. the expected date of departure of the New Holiday Package falls within 90 calendar days from the expected date of departure of the Original Holiday Package. 

If the conditions stated above in this clause are met, the substitution of the Original Holiday Package with the New Holiday Package will in any case be subject to the following administration fee per Passenger:

USD65 Free of Charge                                


It is understood that, in addition to the administration fee mentioned above, if the price of the New  Holiday Package is higher than that of the Original  Holiday Package, the difference in price as well as in insurance premium will be borne exclusively by the Passenger. 

On the other hand, if the price of the New  Holiday Package is lower than that of the Original  Holiday Package, no reimbursement will be due to the Passenger. 

In case of substitution of the Original  Holiday Package with the New Holiday Package, the Passenger will still be entitled to withdraw from the Contract and therefore cancellation fees will apply; cancellation fees will be based on the price due (as per above provisions) and the scale provided under clause 13 (Cancellation by the Passenger) according to the Original Holiday Package departure date. 

The Company will make reasonable endeavors to comply with the Passenger requests for changes to flight, transport or other services arrangements and adapt them to the New  Holiday Package. In no case whatsoever will the Company be held liable for change requests that cannot be satisfied.  

12.3 Name or date changes are not always allowed by air Carriers and other transport or services providers whenever they are made. Most air Carriers and other transport or services providers treat such changes as a cancellation and charge accordingly. Any additional costs including cancellations fees and/or increased prices levied by air Carriers or other third-party providers will be exclusively for the Passenger’s account, and be charged as part of the fee mentioned in clause 12.1(ii) above. 

12.4 Save as provided above, other changes to the Booking may be requested (even after the confirmation invoice has been issued) until 21 days prior to departure, subject to a minimum administration fee of USD65 per person per amendment. Any additional costs that may arise as a consequence of the change will be exclusively for the Passenger’s account. 

12.5 Requests of amendments to the Booking received by the Company beyond the above time limits will be treated as cancellations and the cancellation charges detailed in clause  13 below will apply. 

12.6 In case the changes requested by the Passengers entail the printing of new Cruise tickets, further to the above-mentioned fees an amount of USD65 per cabin will be charged to cover the extra costs. This does not apply for changes pursuant to item 12.1 where the changes reflect the actual costs. 

12.7   Any changes requested by the Passenger on a Combined Tour shall always apply to the whole Holiday Package. All the relevant time limits run from the scheduled date of departure of the first Cruise of the Combined Tour.