– 12.1

Animals and/or pets other than recognised assistance dogs are not allowed onboard the Vessel under any circumstances without the Carrier’s permission in writing. Any such animals or pets brought onboard by the Passenger without permission will be taken into custody and arrangements will be made for the animal to be landed at the next port of call at the Passenger’s sole expense.

– 12.2
Whilst the Carrier and/or its servants and/or agents will take such care as is reasonable in all the circumstances in relation to the pet or animal, neither the Master nor Carrier is liable to the Passenger in respect of any loss or injury to the pet or animal whilst in the Carrier’s possession/custody.

– 12.3
Recognised assistance dogs are subject to and must comply with national and EU Regulations regarding health, inoculations, training and travel. It is the passenger’s responsibility to have all necessary papers and check the position prior to the cruise and to be satisfied that the assistance dog can be carried to the ports of embarkation and disembarkation and that the dog is not prohibited from going ashore at the various ports of call.