With the aim to guarantee Passenger’s health and safety during the cruise, the Company developed a set of procedures to be followed during the entire cruise, starting from the booking process until the final disembarkation from the ship (also below referred to as the “ MSC Cruises’ Health & Safety Protocol”).

For safety reasons, the Carrier and/or the Master have the right to refuse boarding or order disembarkation of any Passenger whose conduct is in breach of such procedures, as well as to any Passenger who, according to the medical staff of the ship, is not fit to travel based on the outcome of a medical screening and evaluation.

Passengers are therefore asked to carefully read, acknowledge and accept the following measures

–  a) booking and embarkation process

At the moment of booking, the Passenger shall provide the Company with the contact details (mobile number and the email address) of each individual included in the Booking.

The Company shall provide passengers with precise instructions regarding the preparation of the luggage to be embarked on board the ship. Passengers are invited to wear a mask and bring with them a sanitizing gel on their way from home to the ship.

Each Passenger named in the Booking will be asked to fill in and sign a mandatory health questionnaire received with the cruise ticket and to be provided to the medical staff at the berth not earlier that 6 hours before embarkation. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for filling in the questionnaire related to underage children traveling with them. At embarkation, passengers will be asked to confirm that their health conditions, as previously declared in the health questionnaire, remained unaltered.

Depending on the evolutions of the MSC Cruises’ Health & Safety Protocol as well as the guidelines from national and international Health Authorities, Passenger may be required to undergo a COVID19 test before embarkation. Conditions about the relevant timing and type of test vary according to itinerary and international mobility restrictions.  Proof of tests results will be required at embarkation. Should the test result be positive, Passenger will be denied embarkation and will be provided with shore assistance. Any relevant further details shall be timely communicated by the Company through its usual communication channels.

Passengers are required to arrive on the pier according to the time schedules indicated on their cruise ticket in order to reduce the risks of mass gatherings.

Before boarding the ship and at each time of embarkation after a shore excursion, each Passenger will undergo a temperature screening. In case of temperature equal or above 37.5 degrees/99.5 F° boarding will be denied on the grounds of safety. Passengers may be subject to further testing and medical evaluation until cleared for boarding. Should the medical staff deem that the Passenger is not fit to travel, Passenger will be denied embarkation and will be provided with shore assistance.


– b) during the cruise

i.   daily checks and medical assistance
While on board, Passengers shall be subject to daily temperature checks and/or any other health and safety measures ( a test ) as deemed appropriate by the Company, the ship’s doctor or the Master.

Passengers who developed symptoms or a fever are asked to immediately call the Medical Center of the ship from their cabin. Passengers will be asked to share previous travel history and will be isolated. The same actions will apply to close contacts staying in the same cabin and family members. In case of suspected symptoms, Passengers are encouraged to contact the Medical Centre for assistance.

The ship’s doctor reserves the right to request the Passengers to remain in their cabin and/or to disembark in presence of symptoms associated to COVID-19.

Free medical assessments for any COVID-19 related symptoms will be available throughout the cruise.

ii.  social distancing and main measures of prevention

Passengers shall abide by the measures prescribed by the Company to implement social distancing between passengers – as well as between passengers and crew- in all public spaces in accordance to the guidelines given by the Authorities.
In addition to maintaining social distancing, unless otherwise stated in onboard signage, Passengers shall be required to always wear face masks in the indoor public areas, except when seated in bars and restaurants. When outdoor, face mask is mandatory only when a safe distance cannot be maintained, unless onboard signage states differently. Passengers shall be asked to frequently wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer and avoid touching the nose, eyes and mouth without previously washing hands. It is requested to practice correct etiquette if coughing or sneezing and maintain social distance or use face masks when it is not possible to keep physical distance.

Onboard services may be subject to changes based on local regulations or other restrictions adopted or referred to the COVID-19 situation.

iii.  entertainment activities

All entertainment activities shall be organized according to specific protocols to be followed on board, including but not limited to, cleaning and disinfection of the materials, limiting number of participants, social distancing, wearing of face mask.

The Company reserves the right to cancel any on board event where, based on its discretion, it considers that there is a risk of COVID-19 infection.


– c) Shore excursions

With the aim to protect passenger’s health, reduce its risk of infection while ashore and make sure that every aspect of the passenger’s experience during an excursion is fully in line with the on-board standards of health and hygiene, getting off the ship during a port call is permitted only in a context of a Shore Excursion organized by MSC Cruises.

The Company reserves the right not to admit on board any Passenger who disembarked the ship on its own in breach of the above rule. When ashore, Passengers are required to strictly adhere to the measures adopted by the tour guide and prescribed by the local Authorities.