– 16.1
It is the Passenger’s obligation and responsibility to seek medical assistance from the qualified doctor onboard the Vessel as and when necessary during the cruise.

– 16.2
The cruise ship’s doctor is not a specialist and the ship’s medical centre is not required to be and is not equipped to the same standards as a land-based hospital. The Vessel carries medical supplies and equipment as required by its flag state. Neither the Carrier nor the doctor shall be liable to the Passenger as a result of any inability to treat any medical condition as a result.

– 16.3
In the event of illness or accident, Passengers may have to be landed ashore by the Carrier and/or Master for medical treatment. The Carrier makes no representations regarding the quality of medical treatment at any port of call or at the place at which the Passenger is landed.

– 16.4
Passengers are advised to ensure that their insurance covers medical treatment, including any emergency repatriation costs

– 16.5
Medical facilities and standards vary from port to port and the Carrier makes no representations or warranties in relation to such standards.

– 16.6
In relation to medical equipment which the Passenger intends to bring on board it is the responsibility of the Passenger to arrange delivery to the docks prior to departure of all medical equipment.

– 16.7
The requirement for Passengers to notify at the time of booking if they need to have medical equipment on board is to ensure that the medical equipment can be carried and/or carried safely.

– 16.8
It is the Passenger’s responsibility to ensure that all medical equipment is in good working order and for arranging enough equipment and supplies to last the entire voyage. The ship does not carry any replacement and access to shore side care and equipment may be difficult and expensive

– 16.9
Passengers must be able to operate all equipment. If there are any particular conditions, Disabled or Reduced Mobility Passengers which require personal care or supervision then such personal care or supervision must be organised by the Passenger and at the Passenger’s expense. The Vessel is unable to respite services, one to one personal care or supervision or any other form of carer for physical or psychiatric or other conditions.