20.1 Any Passenger with a complaint whilst on a Cruise must bring it to the attention of the Cruise staff onboard as soon as possible. If the Cruise staff is unable to resolve the problem, any complaint should be notified in writing to the Company within 15 days of the termination of the Cruise. Failure to report the complaint within this time may adversely affect the Company’s ability to deal with it. Complaints relating to any other part of an  Holiday Package must be made promptly to the Company or the supplier. 

20.2 Notices of claim for loss or damage to luggage or other property shall be given to the Carrier in writing before or at the time of disembarkation, or if not apparent, within 14 days from the date of disembarkation 

20.3 Complaints under EU Regulation. 1177/2010 concerning accessibility, cancellation or delays must be made to the Company within two (2) months from the date the service was performed. The Carrier shall respond within 1 month to advise whether the complaint is substantiated, has been rejected or is still being considered. A final reply shall be provided within two (2) months. The Passenger shall provide such further information as may be required by the Company to deal with the complaint. If the Passenger is not satisfied with the response, then it may complain to the relevant enforcement body in the country of embarkation.

20.4. You can send your complaint to email: mscreservations@sharaftravel.com