15.1 The Company reserves the right to cancel any Holiday Package at any time by giving written notice to the Passenger but shall not be liable for additional compensation, if:
  1. the cancellation is due to an event of Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances and/or any unusual /or unforeseeable circumstances beyond the Company’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided by the Company even though it has exercised all due care; 
  2. the number of persons enrolled for the Holiday Package is smaller than the 50% of the Passenger capacity of the relevant ship.  

In both cases above, the Company will offer the Passenger the choice of:

  1. Receiving a full refund of all money paid; or
  2. Booking another Holiday Package from the Company’s brochure and/or from the Official Website of equivalent or superior quality at no extra cost, if available; or
  3. Booking another Holiday Package from the Company’s brochure and/or from the Official Website of lower quality, if available, with a refund of the difference in price.

15.3 The Passenger’s decision must be notified to the Company in writing or via their Sales Agent within 7 days of the notice of cancellation. 

15.4 Without prejudice to the above, the Company reserves the right to reject or cancel new bookings made by or on behalf of former Passengers who, during a previous Holiday Package: 

  1. behaved dangerously for their safety and/or the one of other Passengers and/or crew members; 
  2. damaged and/or endangered Company’s assets;
  3. did not solve outstanding debts with the Company;
  4. violated art. 18 of the present Booking Terms and Conditions. 

The Passenger will be informed of the rejection or cancellation made under the present article in writing.