13.1 Cancellation of the Booking must be requested in writing (registered letter, email or fax) to the Company or via the Passenger’s Sales Agent. All tickets issued and the confirmation invoice must be returned together after the notice of cancellation.  

13.2 Save what set forth in clause 13.3 below, to cover the estimated loss incurred by cancellation, the Company will levy cancellation charges in accordance with the following scale: 

60 days or longer                 USD 65 handling fee*   90 days or longer                 USD 65 handling fee* 
59 - 30 days                                25%   89- 60 days                                    25%  
29 - 22 days                                40%   59- 52 days                                    40 %  
21- 15 days                                 60%  51- 35 days                                     60% 
14 days - 6 days                      80 %  34 – 15 days                                    80% 
5 day till 0   **                           100%  14 days till 0                              100% 






* Or loss of deposit whichever is greater.
** “no-show” upon departure and Holiday Package breaking shall be dealt as a cancellation made on the day of departure.

WORLD CRUISE 2023-2024-2025
60 days or longer 15% of holiday package*
59-10 days prior departure 75% of holiday package
9-0 days prior departure 100% of holiday package

* Or loss of deposit whichever is greater.

YACHT CLUB (for all cruises)  
120 days or longer  USD130 
119-90 days prior to departure 25% of holiday package
89-60 days prior to departure  40% of holiday package
59-30 days prior to departure  60% of holiday package 
29-15 days prior to departure  80% of holiday package 
14-0 days prior to departure   100% of holiday package 


13.3 In case a cabin remains for single use after the cancellation of a Passenger, the Passenger occupying the cabin for single use will be asked to pay a single surcharge charged by the Company for any single cabin Booking.
Alternatively, should the remaining single passenger opt to cancel the Booking, the latter will pay the cancellation charges in accordance with clause 13.2 in addition to the insurance premium.

13.4 It may be possible for the Passenger to claim these cancellation charges from his/her travel insurance provider, subject to any applicable deductibles. It is the Passenger’s responsibility to make such a claim under the terms of his/her insurance policy. 

13.5    The Passenger may request the cancellation of a Combined Tour, but such a cancellation shall always apply to the whole Holiday Package. All the relevant time limits run from the scheduled date of departure of the first Cruise of the Combined Tour. 

13.6 The Passenger will not be liable to pay the fees mentioned in clause 13.2 and 13.3 above if the cancellation is due to Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances occurring at the place of destination or its immediate vicinity and significantly affecting the performance of the package, or which significantly affect the carriage of passengers to the destination.