10.1 Passengers are strongly recommended to have comprehensive travel health insurance covering medical treatment and repatriation costs and expenses.   

10.2 In compliance with Flag State requirements, there is a qualified doctor onboard and a medical centre equipped for first aid and minor conditions only. The Passenger hereby acknowledges and accepts at the time of Booking that the medical centre is not equipped as a land-based hospital and the doctor is not a specialist. Neither the Company, nor the Carrier, nor the doctor shall be liable to the Passenger as a result of any inability to treat any medical condition as a result. 

10.3 The Passenger acknowledges that whilst there is a qualified doctor onboard the vessel, it is the Passenger’s obligation and responsibility to seek medical assistance if necessary, during the Cruise and will be responsible to pay for onboard medical services. 

10.4 In the event of illness or accident, Passengers may have to be landed ashore by the Carrier and/or the master for medical treatment. Neither the Carrier nor the Company make any representation or accept any responsibility regarding the quality of the available medical facilities or treatments at any port of call or at the place at which the Passenger is landed. Medical facilities and standards vary from port to port. Neither the Company nor the Carrier makes any representations or warranties in relation to the standard of medical treatment ashore. 

10.5 The doctor’s professional opinion as to the fitness of the Passenger to board the vessel or to continue the Cruise is final and binding on the Passenger. 

10.6 It is recommended that medical advice is sought before Booking for children up to 12 months of age. For the avoidance of doubt the provisions of clause 6 and the requirement of fitness to travel is applicable to all Passengers including infants.