6.1  The safety of all Passengers is of paramount importance to the Company, hence all Passengers warrant that they are fit to travel by sea (and if applicable by air) and that their conduct or condition will not impair the safety or convenience of the vessel or aircraft and the other Passengers, and that they can be carried safely in accordance with applicable safety requirements established by International EU or national law. 

6.2  Any Passenger with a condition that may affect fitness to travel taking into account the vessel’s itinerary must inform the Company at the time of Booking and submit a doctor’s certificate prior to Booking. In any case, the Company and/or the Carriers has the right to request – at their own discretion – the Passenger to produce medical certificates supporting the fitness to travel.  

6.3  Pregnant women are requested to seek medical advice before travelling; at any stage of their pregnancy they must obtain a medical certificate from a doctor confirming their fitness to travel on board the vessel taking into account the specific itinerary.  

6.4  The Company and/or the Carriers do not have on board any of the cruise vessels adequate medical facilities or equipment for childbirth. The Company cannot accept a Booking and the Carrier cannot carry any Passenger who will be 24 weeks pregnant or more by the end of the Cruise. 

6.5   The Company and the Carrier expressly reserve the right to refuse boarding rights to any Passenger who appears to be in any advanced state of pregnancy or who does not provide the medical certificate according to  clause  6.2 above and shall have no liability in respect of such refusal. 

6.6  In the case of a Booking made by a Passenger who was not aware at the time of Booking and could not have reasonably known at the time of Booking that she was pregnant over the terms provided by upper clause 6.4 then, the Company will offer the Passenger the choice of Booking another Cruise from the Company’s brochure and/or from the Official Website of equivalent quality compliant with the above mentioned terms, if available; or cancelling and receiving a full refund of the full price paid by that Passenger for any cancellation of Booking as long as such cancellation is notified immediately as soon as such a Passenger becomes aware of her condition. The refund will not include insurance premiums paid which are in no case refundable. 

6.7  If it appears to the Carrier, the master or the ship’s doctor that a Passenger is for any reason unfit to travel, likely to endanger safety, or likely to be refused permission to disembark at any port or likely to render the Carrier liable for maintenance, support or repatriation, then the master shall have the right to refuse to embark the Passenger at any port or disembark the Passenger at any port or transfer the Passenger to another berth or cabin. The doctor onboard shall have the right to administer first aid and any drug, therapy or other medical treatment and/or to admit and/or confine the Passenger to the ship’s hospital or other similar facility, if such measure is considered necessary by the doctor and is supported by the master’s authority. Refusal by the Passenger to cooperate with regard to such treatment may result in the Passenger being disembarked at any port, if necessary, through the intervention of local police officers or other competent authorities, and neither the Company nor the Carrier shall be liable for any loss, expense or compensation to the Passenger. 

6.8  Where a Passenger is assessed as unfit to travel and refused embarkation then neither the Company nor the Carrier has any liability to the Passenger.